1975 - Sabra Taylor
Interviewed September 5, 2013
Sabra Taylor during interview
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Sabra Taylor has lived at 405 Polk Street since 1975, when she moved in with her two-year-old daughter.
“Why did you become an artist?”
“If there’s something inside you that you really want to do–it’s just sort of a feeling. But if you try it, and you realize you can do it, and you enjoy it, and it feeds your soul and you sort of go into this space of peace, where everything else disappears, that’s why I did it.”
“Valle Henderson–she was in her 80s when I moved in. She was one of the ones who led the movement to stop the freeway that was coming through here. She was a friend of mine. I knew her well. As a nurse, I would take her to her doctor’s appointments. A lot of the old ones are no longer here, but we try to keep up what they started.”