The Oakwood News
1st Place Winner - Best Printed Neighborhood Newsletter by Neighborhoods USA, 2016
The Oakwood News
1st Place Winner - 2016 Best Printed Newsletter
By Neighborhoods USA
The Oakwood News is the official newsletter of the Historic Oakwood neighborhood and the Society for the Preservation of Historic Oakwood. Published monthly (except January), the newsletter features articles on items of interest to Oakwood residents, such as SPHO board meeting minutes, neighborhood projects and events, City of Raleigh development news, Downtown Raleigh happenings, and more.
The Oakwood News is hand-delivered by neighborhood volunteers to 850 residences in and around the Historic Oakwood District. Residents of Historic Oakwood are encouraged to submit articles and items of interest.
Current and back issues of the newsletter are available to Oakwood residents in the online archives. Refer to a recent newsletter for online access credentials (user name and password) required to download back issues.
Advertising space is available in The Oakwood News, and all advertising funds benefit the SPHO.