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Oakwood Oral Histories indexed by date the person or couple came to Oakwood.
Years indicates year of move-in to Oakwood.
Historic Oakwood is one of Raleigh, North Carolina’s oldest neighborhoods and the first neighborhood in the state of North Carolina to receive historic designation. Over its 150 year history, Oakwood has experienced tremendous change.
In 2010, when another life-long resident passed away, neighbors lamented we had never captured her story. This project originated from that desire: to capture the important stories of cherished neighbors before they were gone. As it has evolved, this project has grown into something much more: a way to recognize and celebrate the individuals who have been important in Oakwood’s evolution -- a way to learn and teach history, and a way to build and strengthen the connections in our community.
To date, more than 80 residents and students have participated in the Oral History Project – by conducting interviews or being interviewed, digitizing old photographs, taking portraits, transcribing interviews, editing audio, and conducting research. The result: a series of stories that bind us.
This project receives support from the Society for the Preservation of Historic Oakwood.