1977 - Peter Rumsey
Interviewed by Liisa Ogburn on May 3, 2013
Peter Rumsey
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Peter Rumsey lives at 515 North Bloodworth Street, together with Barbara Wishy, who first renovated the house in the 1970’s. Among the many things he has done for the neighborhood, Peter has served in numerous roles on the SPHO Board and partnered with Liisa Ogburn on the Oakwood Oral History Project.
The importance of inclusiveness and diversity is what really creates an energy within the community. The size and difference in house type means that you have a cross section of income groups able to buy here. The fact that you have employment centers nearby that attract people from all walks to the area means that you don’t just have a group of old families who tell you how grandpa used to sit on the front porch, but you have turnover. You have a mix of people that include grandpa, but also people that have come fresh to the area. And just like the gene pool in a way, Oakwood strengthens itself over time through that diversity.