2023 Oakwood Directory


All members of the SPHO (regular, associate & honorary), including residents, non-resident property owners, and all SPHO committee members are encouraged to submit your contact information for the 2023 edition of the Oakwood Directory. NO DATA FROM PRIOR YEARS will be used.

Businesses operating in Oakwood are also encouraged to submit their information for the special business section. 

All data must be submitted by October 15, 2023. 

Please select the appropriate button below to begin your data entry:  

For all residential properties inside Oakwood
(INCLUDES residents, owners and managers of rental properties)

For SPHO Associate & Honorary members, and SPHO Committee Members that reside outside of Oakwood

For businesses, landlords and property managers of property located in Oakwood.

To help protect your privacy...

The completed Oakwood Directory is NOT PROVIDED ONLINE or in electronic form. These online forms are for the gathering of data for the printed directory ONLY. Printed copies of the directory are only shared with SPHO members (Oakwood Oakwood residents, property owners, and Honorary & Associate SPHO Members.

Have a special situation where these basic forms don't seem to work for you? Please use the contact page to message us.