1988 - Jean Spivey
Interviewed by Liisa Ogburn on July 15, 2013
Jean Spivey
Jean moved into Oakwood in 1988 and served for over ten years on the SPHO board. She has headed up the Oakwood Candlelight Preview party, which occurs the Thursday before the Candlelight Tour, since its inception in 1992. She currently lives at 720 North Bloodworth.
My previous neighbors, Peggy Beasley and Ramond Rogers, he owned the Louisiana Cooking School, they were great neighbors and great people. He needed a kidney. He had a transplant and was very successful for a long time. Unfortunately, it led to his demise, but living next door I could see the constant outpouring of people — bringing food, mowing the grass. Their daughter got married (at the house) towards the end of his fight. The neighbors brought flowers to plant in his yard. When he was (being treated) at Duke, the neighbors gave Peggy gas cards. I would occasionally send some of the emails that the group circulated to keep everyone in the loop on to my dad. He lives in Alamance County. Throughout my entire time here, I would send him notes. “Gosh, daddy, this house sold for this. That house sold for that.” One of the emails I sent him was one that Peggy wrote thanking everyone for their help. Daddy said he then understood why the cost of living was so high in Oakwood… because of the people.
You know, this is home, and it always will be.