Sold out sign posted at The Tucker House early Saturday of Candlelight Tour weekend.
Thank you to all who attended the 48th Annual Historic Oakwood Candlelight Tour®. 2019 was another sell out year with an amazing mix of properties. Your attendance helps assure the continued work of the SPHO.
The Oakwood Awesomettes entertaining at The Murphey School Apartments
The SPHO cannot make the tour happen without the army of 500 volunteers that greet guests, act as docents inside the homes, check-in ticket holders, clean up the neighborhood, provide classic cars for viewing, market the event and organize everyone. Thank you all.
Unloading gift baskets from the truck.
This year the SPHO, as part of its Community Service Project, also threw a small holiday party for the residents of the Murphey School Apartments (senior living) and provided them with holiday gift baskets. Many tour-goers provided small donations that were added up to be bountiful baskets of non-perishables for the residents as well as some needed items for their common areas. Thank you for your support.
A special thank you goes out to our 2019 sponsors:
Cybergraph Advertising
Edible Art Bakery & Dessert Cafe
Tour goers boarding The Great Raleigh Trolley.
City of Raleigh Parks & Recreation Department
Empire Properties
F.O.Finch III
Historic Oakwood Cemetery
Julie & Jay Blandford
Margaret Maloney
Raleigh Homes Realty
Arthur Jordan & Kurt Hurelbrink
Barry & Nancy Kitchener
Bragg Bags and Brooches
Chris Crew & Dee Penven-Crew
DuBois Property Group
Edith Wooten
Jennifer Riedlinger
Justin Boner & Kiernan McGorty
Mary Shaver & Jonathan Janis
Peter & Sylvia Mann
Richard & Cindy Urquhart
Robert M. and Norma W. Tomb
Steve and Trish Sheldon
Trish and John Healy
Eldon Peters
Hamilton Point Investment Advisors
LODEN Properties
Oakwood Pizza Box
Raleigh Walking Tours
Rob Lamme & Associates
SmokeStacks Cafe
Yellow Dog Bread Co.
Save the Date
Mark your calendars for next year’s tour December 12th & 13th, 2020. Tickets will go on sale in the Fall of 2020.